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Products  >  Sealing Technologies > Gaskets for boilers

The Topog-E Gasket Company produces gaskets to fit every boiler in production today. Topog-E® Series 180 molded rubber gaskets are special for many reasons. Over forty years as the Industry standard have given us feedback as to why.

Optimal Usage. Topog-E® Series 180 gaskets are quick and easy to install. They conform to the mating surfaces and need no adhesive or additional material. When servicing, they are simple to remove, and peel away easily and cleanly.

Optimal Cost. Using Topog-E® Series 180 gaskets can prolong boiler life, avoiding seepage and corrosion, and reduces boiler down-time. They help you look after one of your most important assets – the boiler itself.

Optimal Formulation. Topog-E® Series 180 gaskets are made from a proprietary compound which has earned worldwide respect for its performance. They are molded, not die-cut, for optimum fit and performance, and they are available in a broad range of sizes to meet your exact needs.

Optimal Quality. Quality is comprehensive! Today’s competitive environment demands the use of high quality products and components that contribute to the overall quality of a company’s end product or service. Topog-E gaskets are made with a passion for quality and performance regardless of cost.

The Best Reputation. For over forty years, Topog-E® Series 180 gaskets have earned a reputation for ease of use, durability, unbeatable performance and overall quality. This reputation is substantiated by ongoing research and development programs, so that The Topog-E gasket Company can proudly continue to manufacture the most renowned and respected gaskets in the World.


  • Steam pressure vessels up to 180 psi (12 bar) and 380° F (193° C)


Steam pressure vessels
• Hot water heaters
• Demineralizers
• Steam humidifiers
• Water purifiers
• Refrigeration units
• Filtering units
• Liquid treatment vessels
• Compressed air tanks
• Dryer cans in paper mills
• Water towers
• Water softeners
• Deaerators
• Make-up tanks